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SVG of the world

Make meaningful connections by becoming our partner. From students to businesses, you will increase the network of your organization.

SVG representing giving

By becoming our partner, you invest in innovation, research and education. Together we will achieve better education, work on research and innovate in the field of robotics.

SVG of code

Technology is the basis of our society. In collaborating with us, your organization will support new technologies that can change our way of living.

SVG of a pin

Put your organization in the spotlight at important events. Make sure the name of your organization is known accross the sector of robotics by collaborating with us.


Hit us up for a cup of coffee.


Our partners



We don't have partners in this catogory yet. Do you want to be the first? Mail at: partnerships@dutchnaoteam.nl



Made with love, robots 🤖 and Dr. Pepper - Dutch Nao Team 2024

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Want to join the crew, become partners with us, or have any other questions? Send us an email at info@dutchnaoteam.nl